Tanda, T., Toyomori, K., & Kawahara, J. I. (in press). Attentional biases toward real images and drawings of negative faces. Acta Psychologica.
| Miyazaki, Y., Kamatani, M., Suda, T., Wakasugi, K., Matsunaga, K., & Kawahara, J. I. (2022). Effects of wearing a transparent face mask on perception of facial expressions. i-Perception. 10.1177/20416695221105910
| Dudarev, V., Kamatani, M., Miyazaki, Y., Enns, J. T., & Kawahara, J. I. (2022). The attractiveness of masked faces is influenced by race and mask attitudes. Frontiers in Psychology-Cognitive Science. 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.864936
| Maezawa, T., & Kawahara, J. I. (2022). Processing symmetry between visual and auditory spatial representations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 10.1177/17470218221103253
| Tsurumi, S., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K., & Kawahara, J. I. (2022). Development of upper visual field bias for faces in infants. Developmental Science. 10.1111/desc.13262
| Kondo, H. M., Terashima, H., Ezaki, T., Kochiyama, T., Kihara, K., & Kawahara, J. I. (2022). Dynamic transitions between brain states predict auditory attentional fluctuations. Frontiers in Neuroscience, section Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience. 10.3389/fnins.2022.816735
| Maezawa, T., Kiyosawa, M., & Kawahara, J. I. (2022). Auditory enhancement of visual searches for event scenes. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 84, 427-441. 10.3758/s13414-021-02433-8
| Maezawa, T., & Kawahara, J. I. (2021). A label indicating an old year of establishment improves evaluations of restaurants and shops serving traditional foods. PLOS ONE 10.1371/journal.pone.0259063
| Saito, Y., Maezawa, T., & Kawahara, J. I. (2021) Beat patterns determine inter-hand differences in synchronization error in a bimanual coordination tapping task. i-Perception. 10.1177/20416695211053882
| Kamatani, M., Ito, M., Miyazaki, Y., & Kawahara, J. I. (2021). Effects of masks worn to protect against COVID-19 on the perception of facial attractiveness. i-Perception. 10.1177/20416695211027920
| 宮崎由樹・鎌谷美希・河原純一郎 (2021). 社交不安・特性不安・感染脆弱意識が衛生マスク着用頻度に及ぼす影響 心理学研究. 10.4992/jjpsy.92.20063
| 山本美優・宮崎由樹・神山龍一・河原純一郎 (印刷中). エタノールのニオイがウェットティッシュ製品の除菌力の評価に及ぼす効果 人間工学.
| 鎌谷美希・伊藤資浩・宮﨑由樹・河原純一郎 (2021). COVID-19流行が黒色衛生マスク着用者への顕在的・潜在的態度に及ぼす影響. 心理学研究. 10.4992/jjpsy.92.20046
| Tsurumi, S., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K., & Kawahara, J. I. (2021). Attentional blink in preverbal infants. Cognition, 214, 104749, 10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104749.
| Maezawa, T., & Kawahara, J. I. (2021). Commonalities of visual and auditory working memory in a spatial-updating task. Memory & Cognition. 10.3758/s13421-021-01151-8
| Osugi, T., & Kawahara, J. I. (2021). The spill-over effect of the formal bowing motion on subjective facial attractiveness. Japanese Psychological Research.
| 宮崎由樹・伊藤資浩・神山龍一・柴田彰・河原純一郎 (2020). 顔面下部のサイズ情報が顔の見かけの大きさに強く影響する. 人間工学 56(6), 222-230.
| 河原純一郎・宮崎由樹・伊藤資浩・鎌谷美希 (2020). 衛生マスクが顔の印象に及ぼす効果とCOVID-19の流行 日本色彩学会誌 44(6), 262-264.
| Yamauchi, K., & Kawahara, J. I. (2020). Inhibitory template for visual marking with endogenous spatial cueing. Visual Cognition, 29(10), 581-604. 10.1080/13506285.2020.1842834
| Terashima, H., Kihara, K., Kawahara, J. I., & Kondo, H. M. (2020). Common principles underlie the fluctuation of auditory and visual sustained attention. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 10.1177/1747021820972255
| Maezawa, T., Tanda, T., & Kawahara, J. (2020). Replicability of the curvature effect as a function of presentation time and response measure in Japanese observers. i-Perception, 11(2), 1-16.
| Tanda, T., & Kawahara, J. (2020). An object-based template for rejection effect. Visual Cognition, 28(2), 87-96.
| Ito, M., & Kawahara, J. (2020). Search and concealment strategies in the spatiotemporal domain. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 2393-2414.
| 前澤知輝・宮崎由樹・松長芳織・柴田彰・河原純一郎 (2020). 衛生マスクへの着香が花粉症の不快感低減に及ぼす効果とその時間的推移 人間工学, 56, 28-33.
| Maezawa, T., & Kawahara, J. (2019). Distance estimation by blindfolded sighted participants using echolocation. Perception, 48(12), 1235-1251.
| Maezawa, T., & Kawahara, J. (2019). Effects of visual working memory on individual differences in echolocation performance in sighted participants. i-Perception, 10.1177/2041669519872223.
| 大杉尚之・河原純一郎 (2020). お辞儀と顔の外見的特徴が主観的魅力に及ぼす影響 認知心理学研究, 17(2), 69-78.
| 宮崎由樹・神山龍一・三宅大輔・河原純一郎 (2019). ウェットティッシュの取り出しやすさが製品の印象や製品選択に及ぼす影響 人間工学, 55, 145-154.
| Maezawa, T., Matsuishi, T., Ito, K., Kaji, S., Tsunokawa, M., & Kawahara, J. (2019). The effects of visual impediment on the approaching behavior of harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoena. Mammal Study, 44, 205-213.
| Tsurumi, S., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M., & Kawahara, J. (2019). Rapid identification of the face in infants. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 186, 45-58.
| Tanda, T. & Kawahara, J. (2019). The effect of cue lead time on the template for rejection. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 81, 1880-1889. doi: 10.3758/s13414-019-01761-0
| Yamauchi, K., Kihara, K., & Kawahara, J. (2019). Predicting sustained performance over a short time. Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 38(1), 2-12. (in English)
| Yamauchi, K., & Kawahara, J. (2019). A singleton distractor updates the inhibitory template for visual marking. Acta Psychologica, 192, 200-211. doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2018.11.014
| 伊藤資浩・河原純一郎 (2019). 黒色の衛生マスクの着用が印象と魅力の知覚に及ぼす影響 北海道心理学研究, 41, 1-13. doi.org/10.20654/hps.41.0_1
| Inukai, T., & Kawahara, J. (2018). Sex differences in temporal but not spatial attentional capture. Frontiers in Psychology - Cognition, 9:1893; doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01893
| Ito, M., & Kawahara, J. (2018). Measurement of mood states following light alcohol consumption: Evidence from the Implicit Association Test. Behavioral Sciences, 8(9), 79; doi:10.3390/bs8090079
| Osugi, T., & Kawahara, J. (2018). Effects of head nodding and shaking motions on perceptions of likeability and approachability. Perception, 47, 16-29. doi: 10.1177/0301006617733209
| Sato, H., & Kawahara, J. (2017). The effect of participants' stress manipulation on experimenters' mood states. Psychology, 8, 1229-1237. doi: 10.4236/psych.2017.88079
| Oriet, C., Pandey, M., & Kawahara, J. (2017). Attention capture without awareness in a non-spatial selection task. Consciousness and Cognition, 48, 117-128.
| Ito, M., & Kawahara, J. (2017). Effect of the presence of a mobile phone during a spatial visual search. Japanese Psychological Research, 59, 188-198.
| Kawahara, J., & Kumada, T. (2017). Multiple attentional sets while monitoring rapid serial visual presentations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 2271-2289.
| Kihara, K., Kondo, H. M., Y., & Kawahara, J. (2016). Differential contributions of GABA concentration in frontal and parietal regions to individual differences in attentional blink. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 8895-8901.
| Miyazaki, Y., & Kawahara, J. (2016). The Sanitary-Mask Effect on Perceived Facial Attractiveness. Japanese Psychological Research, 58, 261-272.
| Ito, M., & Kawahara, J. (2016). Contingent attentional capture across multiple feature dimensions in a temporal search task. Acta Psychologica, 163, 107-113.
| Inukai, T., Shimomura, T., & Kawahara, J. (2016). Attentional capture during attentional awakening. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 78, 159-167.
| Kihara, K., Takeuchi, T., Yoshimoto, S., Kondo, H. M., & Kawahara, J. (2015). Pupillometric evidence for the locus coeruleus-noradrenaline system facilitating attentional processing of action-triggered visual stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00827
Sato, S., & Kawahara, J. (2015). Attentional capture by completely task-irrelevant faces.
Psychological Research, 79, 523-533. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-014-0599-8
| Osugi, T., & Kawahara, J. (2015). Effects of bowing on perception of attractiveness. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics. 77, 1697-1714.
永井聖剛・西崎友規子・佐藤稔久・河原純一郎・平松真知子・寸田剛司 (2015). 実運転における右折時の同調的不安全行動とドライバ個人特性:認知機能および性格特性から 認知科学 22, 194-202.
Kihara, K., Takeuchi, T., Yoshimoto, S., Kondo, H. M., & Kawahara, J.
(2015). Pupillometric evidence for the locus coeruleus-noradrenaline system facilitating attentional processing of action-triggered visual stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:827. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00827
鑓水秀和・河原純一郎 (2014). グループ全体としての顔魅力知覚 認知科学, 21, 314-324.
明石法子,三盃亜美,宇野彰,河原純一郎,Cortheart, M. (2014). 成人の漢字単語書き取りにおける単語属性効果および誤反応特徴. 音声言語医学, 55, 162-166.
Kawahara, J., Sato, H. (2013). The effect of fatigue on attentional blink.
Attention, Perception & Performance, 75, 1096-1102.
Kawahara, J., Sato, T., Nagai, M., Kumada, T., Soma, Y., Nemoto, H., & Nishizaki, Y. (2013). The role of cognitive functions in merging manoeuvres during simulated highway driving. Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science,
32, 14-28. (full paper, written in English)
佐藤稔久,河原純一郎,熊田孝恒,赤松幹之 (印刷中) 長時間運転での疲労蓄積への影響要因の分析とドライバーの疲労蓄積タイプの分類 自動車技術会論文集(査読有り,定期刊行学術誌)
Nishizaki, Y., Nagai, M., Kawahara, J., Sato, T., & Nemoto, H., (in press). Individual differences in drivers' cognitive functions in backward maneuver and merging behavior. International Journal of Automotive Engineering.
Kawahara, J., Yanase, K., & Kitazaki, M. (2012). Attentional capture by the onset and
offset of motion signals outside the spatial focus of attention. Journal of Vision, 12(12), 1-13.
Osugi, T., & Kawahara, J. (2012). Attentional set protects visual marking from visual
transients. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66, 69-90.
竹中一平,河原純一郎,熊田孝恒 (2012). 急性ストレスが選択的注意に及ぼす影響 基礎心理学研究, 31, 42-56. (2013年度日本基礎心理学会優秀論文賞受賞)
Sato, H., Takenaka, I. & Kawahara, J. (2012). The effects of acute stress and
perceptual load on distractor interference. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65, 617-623.
Kihara, K., & Kawahara, J. (2012). Voluntary production of a visual stimulus
attenuates attentional blink. Attention, Perception, & Performance, 74, 312-321.
Sato, H., & Kawahara, J. (2012). Assessing acute stress with the Implicit Association
Test. Cognition and Emotion.
Ariga, A., Kawahara, J. & Watanabe, K. (2011). Object-based Maintenance of Temporal
Attention inRapid Serial Visual Presentation. Visual Cognition, 19, 553-584.
Kawahara, J. & Kihara, K. (2011). No commonality between attentional capture and
attentional blink. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 991-1008. (Regular Article)
Sato, H., & Kawahara, J. (2011). Selective bias in retrospective self-reports of
negative mood states. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 359-367.
Kawahara, J. (2010). Identifying a "default" visual search mode with operant
conditioning. Acta Psychologica, 38-49.
Osugi, T., Kumada, T., & Kawahara, J. (in press). Visual marking survives graphical
change if meaning is retained. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.
Kihara, K., Yagi, Y., Takeda, Y., & Kawahara, J. (2011). Distractor devaluation effect in
the attentional blink: Direct evidence for distractor inhibition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 37, 168-179.
Olivers, C. N. L., Hulleman, J., Spalek, T., Kawahara, J., & Di Lollo, V. (in press). The
sparing is far from spurious: Reevaluating within-trial contingency effects in the attentional blink. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance.
Kawahara, J. (2010). Measuring the spatial distribution of the metaattentional spotlight.
Consciousness and Cognition, 19, 107-124.
Inukai, T., Kumada, T., & Kawahara, J. (2010). Attentional capture decreases when
distractors remain visible during rapid serial visual presentations. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72, 939-950.
Kihara, K., Kawahara, J., & Takeda, Y. (2010). Usability of liquid crystal displays for
research in the temporal characteristics of perception and attention. Behavior Research Methods, 42, 1105-1113.
Inukai, T., Kawahara, J., & Kumada, T. (2010). Nonspatial Inter-Dimensional Attentional Capture.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72, 658-666.
Oh-uchi A., Kawahara, J., & Sugano, L. (2010). Attentional capture and metaattentional
judgment: a study of young children, parents, and university students. Psychologia, 42, 114-124.
Leber, A., Kawahara, J. & Gabari, Y. (2009). Long-term abstract learning of attentional
set. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 35, 1385-1397.
Kumada, T., Kawahara, J. Takeda, Y., Nagai, M., & Takita, M. (2009). Stress measurement
based on performance of cognitive tasks for future use in the ISS. Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application, 26, 260-268.
Osugi, T., Kumada, T., & Kawahara, J. (2009). The spatial distribution of inhibition in
preview search. Vision Research, 49, 851-861.
Spalek, T. M., Kawahara, J. & Di Lollo, V. (2009). Flicker is a primitive visual attribute in
visual search. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 319-322.
Kawahara, J. (2009). When do additional distractors reduce the attentional blink? Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 35, 1043-1061.
Lleras, A., Levinthal, B., & Kawahara, J. (2009). Past rejections lead to future
misses: Selection-related inhibition produces blink-like misses of future (easily detectable) events. Journal of Vision, 9, Article 26, 1-12.
Kawahara, J. & Enns, J. T. (2009). Selection difficulty and inter-item competition are
independent factors in rapid visual stream perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 35, 146-158.
Kihara, K., Kawahara, J., & Takeda, Y. (2008). Electrophysiological evidence for
independent consolidation of multiple targets. NeuroReport, 19, 1493-1496.
Olivers, C. N. L., Spalek, T. M., Kawahara, J., & Di Lollo, V. (2009). The attentional
blink: Increasing target salience provides no evidence for resource depletion. A commentary on Dux, Asplund, and Marois (2008). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16, 214-218.
Ghorashi, S., Jefferies, L. N., Kawahara, J., & Watanabe, K. (2008). Does attention
accompany the conscious awareness of both location and identity of an object? Psyche, 14, 1-13.
Ono, F., & Kawahara, J. (2008). The effect of false memory on temporal perception. Psychological
Research, 72, 61-64.
Lleras, A., Kawahara, J., Wan, X. I., & Ariga, A. (2008). Inter-trial inhibition of focused
attention in pop-out search. Perception & Psychophysics, 70, 114-131.
Kawahara, J. (2007). Auditory-visual contextual cueing effect. Perception & Psychophysics,
69, 1399-1408.
Kawahara, J., Nabeta, T. & Hamada, J. (2007). Area-specific attentional effect in
the Delboeuf Illusion. Perception, 36, 670-685.
Jefferies, L. N., Ghorashi, S. M. S., Kawahara, J., & Di Lollo, V. (2007). Ignorance is
bliss: The role of observer expectation in dynamic spatial tuning of the attentional focus. Perception & Pshychophysics, 69, 1163-1175.
Yamada, Y., & Kawahara, J. (2007). Dividing attention between two different categories and
locations in rapid serial visual presentations. Perception & Psychophysics, 69, 1218-1229.
Kawahara, J. (2007). Implicit learning of spatiotemporal context during divided attention.
Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 25, 193-198. (written in English).
Ono, F., & Kawahara, J. (2007). The subjective size of visual stimuli affects the perceived
duration of their presentation. Perception & Psychophysics, 69, 952-957.
Ono, F., Yamada, K., Chujo, K. & Kawahara, J. (2007). Feature-based attention influences
later temporal perception. Perception & Psychophysics, 69, 544-549.
Kawahara, J., & Yamada, Y. (2006). Two non-contiguous locations can be attended concurrently:
Evidence from the attentional blink. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 13, 594-599.
Kawahara, J., Kumada, T., & Di Lollo, V. (2006). The attentional blink is governed by a
temporary loss of control. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 13, 886-890.
Nabeta, T., & Kawahara, J. (2006). The reduction of false recognition through haptic
presentation of objects. The European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 18, 801-812.
Kawahara, J., Enns, J. T., & Di Lollo, V. (2006). The attentional blink is not a
unitary phenomenon. Psychological Research, 70, 405-413.
Nabeta, T., & Kawahara, J. (2006). Congruency effect of presentation modality on haptic and
visual false memory of real objects. Memory, 14, 307-315.
Di Lollo, V., Smilek, D., Kawahara, J., & Ghorashi, S. M. S. (2005). System reconfiguration, not resource limitation, determines the efficiency of visual search. Perception & Psychophysics,
67, 1080-1087.
Nabeta, T., Kawahara, J., & Chujo, K. (2005). The length of study phase on auditory false recognition. Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 24, 11-15. (written in English)
Yamada, Y., & Kawahara, J. (2005). Lag-1 sparing in the attentional blink with multiple RSVP
streams. Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 24, 1-10. (written in English)
Ono, F., Jiang, Y., & Kawahara, J. (2005). Inter-trial contextual cueing: Association
across successive visual search trials guides spatial attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 31, 703-712.
Ono, F., & Kawahara, J. (2005). The effects of implicit and explicit memory on temporal
production. Consciousness and Cognition, 14, 474-482.
Di Lollo, V., Kawahara, J., Ghorashi, S. M., & Enns, J. T. (2005). The attentional
blink: Resource limitation or temporary loss of control? Psychological Research, 69, 191-200.
Tamaoka, K., Sakai, H., Kawahara, J., Miyaoka, Y., Lim, H., & Koizumi, M. (2005). Priority information used for the processing of Japanese sentences: Thematic roles, case particles or
grammatical functions? Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 34, 281-332.
Ariga, A., & Kawahara, J. (2004). The perceptual and cognitive
distractor-previewing effect. Journal of Vision, 4, 891-903. (refereed full paper).
Maruishi, M., Tanaka, Y., Muranaka, H., Tsuji, T., Ozawa, T., Imaizumi, S., Miyatani, M., Kawahara, J. (2004). Brain activation during manipulation of the myoelectric prosthetic hand: A functional
magnetic resonance imaging study. NeuroImage, 21, 1604-1611.
河原純一郎 (2004). 注意の瞬き 心理学評論, 46, 501-526.
Ono, F., Kawahara, J., & Matsuda, F. (2003). Previous subthreshold exposures reduce perceived duration. Current Psychology of Cognition, 22, 27-40.
Kawahara, J., & Yamada, Y. (2004). Does one’s name attract visual attention? Visual Cognition,
11, 997-1017.
Nabeta, T., Ono, F., & Kawahara, J. (2003). Transfer of spatial context from visual to haptic
search. Perception, 32, 1352-1358.
小野史典・鍋田智広・河原純一郎 (2004). 視覚的印付けされた刺激配置は文脈手がかりとなりうるか? 心理学研究, 75, 207-212.
Kawahara, J. (2003). Contextual cueing in 3-D layouts defined by binocular disparity. Visual
Cognition, 10, 837-852.
Tamaoka, K., Sakai, H., Kawahara, J., & Miyaoka, Y. (2003). The effects of phrase-length
order and scrambling in the process of visually-presented Japanese sentences. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 32, 431-454.
Kawahara, J. (2003). The effect of observer’s set on the processing of temporally distributed items. Japanese Psychological Research, 45, 109-114. (in English)
Kawahara, J. (2003). Mere presence of distractors: Another determining factor for the
attentional blink. Japanese Psychological Research, 45, 140-151. (in English)
Kawahara, J., Zuvic, S. M., Enns, J. T., & Di Lollo, V. (2003). Task switching mediates the
attentional blink even without backward masking. Perception & Psychophysics, 65, 339-351.
Kawahara, J. (2002). Facilitation of local information processing in the attentional blink as
indexed by shooting line illusion. Psychological Research, 66, 116-123.
Kawahara, J. & Yokosawa, K. (2001). Preattentive perception of multiple illusory line motion: A formal model of parallel independent-detection in visual search. Journal of General Psychology,
128, 357-383.
Di Lollo, V., Kawahara, J., Zuvic, S., & Visser, T. (2001). The preattentive emperor has no
clothes: a dynamic redressing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 130, 479-492.
Kawahara, J., Di Lollo, V., & Enns, J. T. (2001). Attentional requirements in visual
detection and identification: Evidence from the attentional blink. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 27, 969-984.
Kawahara, J. & Miyatani, M. (2001). The effect of voluntary and involuntary cueing of attention on feature integration. Journal of General Psychology, 128, 57-75.
Ngohayon, S. L., Kawahara, J., & Toshima, T. (1999). The effect of meaning on visual image segmentation. Psychologia, 42, 170 - 182.
Kawahara, J. & Sato, T. (1998). Distribution of visual attention on partially occluded objects. Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 17, 47-48. (with abstract in English)
Kawahara, J., & Toshima, T., (1997). Stimulus-driven control of attention: Evidence from visual search for moving target among static nontargets. Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 15, 77-87. (In English)
Kawahara, J., Yokosawa, K., Nishida, S., & Sato, T. (1996). Illusory line
motion in visual search: Attentional facilitation or apparent motion? Perception, 25, 901-921.
河原純一郎 (1996). 注意捕捉に及ぼす刺激駆動的要因の効果-静的刺激と動的刺激を含む視覚探索による検討- 心理学研究, 67, 25-32.
吉田弘司・河原純一郎・前堂志乃・利島 保 (1995). 仮現運動刺激事態における対象プライミング 心理学研究, 66, 354-360.
河原純一郎 (1993). 視覚探索に及ぼす刺激の運動の効果 心理学研究, 64, 396-400.
- 金沢創・山口真美・河原純一郎 (2019). 公認心理師の基礎と実践6 心理学実験 (編集,分担執筆) 遠見書房.
- 三浦佳世・河原純一郎 (2019). 美しさと魅力の心理(編集,分担執筆) ミネルヴァ書房.
- 河原純一郎 (2017). 基礎心理学実験法ハンドブック(分担執筆,責任編集) 朝倉書店.
- 河原純一郎 (2017). 思考抑制(8章) 悩める人間-人文学の処方箋(北大文学研究科ライブラリ15)(分担執筆) 北海道大学出版会.
- 河原純一郎・横澤一彦 (2015). 注意 勁草書房
- 河原純一郎 (2013). 注意 新版心理学事典 藤永保(監修)・内田伸子・繁枡算男・杉山憲司(責任編集) 平凡社.
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